The Modular’s level of support can be adjusted to low, moderate and high, simply by choosing the most appropriate insert that pushes into the base orthotic - allowing for immediate and easy prescription.
The insert runs the entire length of the orthotic from the rearfoot to the forefoot, providing an even arch profile while maximising patient comfort and support.
Choice of 3 heights of base inserts (low/moderate/high)
Rear Foot Wedge
Cuboid Notch
Plantar Fascial Groove
First Ray Cut Out orthotic level
First Ray Declination (style footwear)
Immediate ease in selecting support (low/moderate/high)
Easy to grind
Easy to attach additions with contact glue
Accommodates a range of footwear
Patient is able to adjust (low/moderate/high) to preferred shoe tight/spacious
"Patients have been delighted with their Interpods. They find them easy to wear and are seeing great results, often within weeks. A lot of patients come to us as a last resort after battling on alone trying different shop or pharmacy bought in-soles that haven’t worked for them. They are delighted to find a solution that finally helps".
Interpod Modular is product of choice for instant, everyday dispensing of Foot Orthotics. Just 5 sizes to stock, no repeat appointments, instant results which can be assessed there and then in front of the patient.
Less SKUs = Lower costs, quicker treatment times
Orthotic features unparalleled
Evidence-based orthotic design features including: plantar fascial groove, rearfoot wedge, cuboid notch, lateral support ridge and plantar flexion of 1st ray.
Designed by 'real' Podiatrists
Interpod, established in 1999 by 2 Australian podiatrists, is a range of effective pre-fabricated foot orthotics using design features which are supported by independent University Research.
Condition specific devices unrivalled
Prefabricated foot orthoses from Interpod have been shown to improve foot malalignment, that results in several known foot conditions from plantar fasciitis and arch pain to forefoot pain.
Interpod Modular Summary:
Choice of 3 arch controlling inserts: Low, Moderate, High.
Rear foot wedge.
Cuboid notch.
Plantar fascial groove.
First ray cutout.
Accommodates a range of footwear - 3/4 design.
Easy to attach additions with contact glue
Ability to trial, varying arch heights in-clinic and in a home trialling scenario.