A collection of premanufactured orthopaedic straps and pads.
AFO pads, or ankle-foot orthosis pads, are soft cushioned inserts that are designed to be used in conjunction with ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) devices. AFO devices are braces or splints that are worn around the leg and foot to support and align the ankle, foot, and lower leg. They are often used to treat conditions such as cerebral palsy, stroke, and spinal cord injury, as well as to provide support and stability for individuals who have difficulty walking. AFO pads are typically made from foam or other soft, cushioned materials, and they are designed to fit inside the AFO device. They are used to provide extra cushioning and support for the foot and ankle, as well as to reduce pressure and improve comfort while wearing the AFO. AFO pads may be customized to fit the specific needs and characteristics of an individual's foot and ankle, and they may be made in various sizes and shapes to fit different types of AFO devices.